Apostrophes in Proper()

proper() seems to handle apostrophes like a different word. Is there a known way to handle that?

It'S Ok But Not Ideal That Kevin'S Sample Data Can'T Handle Apostrophes

Hey @Kevin_Roberts .
hmmm, interesting. Thanks for raising. We'll look into it.

I suppose it could be fixed with a series of replaces, but that seems clunky. Here's my list of fixes


Hi @Kevin_Roberts, the proper function is directly based on spreadsheets like Google Sheets. If you run:

=PROPER(LOWER("It'S Ok But Not Ideal That Kevin'S Sample Data Can'T Handle Apostrophes"))

in Google Sheets you will see the same output, as it gets the capitalization incorrect as well.

What you're requesting for is a sentence case feature from MS Word. We don't support it yet but we might add it down the line.

No worries. I have the replace series documented now, so I can just pull that if/when needed.