I use Gmail for multiple accounts. The problem is that not all of the accounts check in real-time, a problem when doing password resets. So I manually have to go to Settings, then Accounts, then scroll down and click on Check email manually.
I was thinking of automating this using Text Blaze. I did grab the Gmail settings url - https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#settings/accounts but was wondering if there is a way to have Text Blaze then click on the two emails in that section to check them. The Check Mail links themselves don't have a link I can access.
Hey @CaptainTime - let us look into this and get back to you shortly.
Hi @CaptainTime
Do you mind sharing a screenshot of the button you're trying to click on, as well as another screenshot of their Inspect HTML view?
I checked when using Gmail with multiple accounts I don't see an option to Check email manually. You can directly email me the screenshots at gaurang@blaze.today in case you wish to.
Here is a screenshot of how I check emails manually in Gmail.
I see. I wrote the snippet that you can run from the Gmail search box and it will reach the accounts page:
{click: selector=.FH}{wait:delay=1s}{click: selector=.Tj}{wait:delay=1s}{click: selector=a[href$="/accounts"]}{wait:delay=1s}
After that, sadly I'm not able to get the "Check mail now" button even after adding a Gmail account. If you can share the Inspect Element output of the Check mail now button, I can try to complete the snippet.