Copy of Snippet "[Email] Callback missed (with form fields)"

Hello {formtext: name=name},

Thanks for reaching out to Bark. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and I'll do my best to help address your issue.

Based on your issue description, I would ask that you {formmenu: default=return the product. Use the link below to create a return label; write me back with the following information:; reach out to the device manufacturer to discuss a potential solution; name=next steps}

{if: `next steps`=="return the product. Use the link below to create a return label"; trim=right}
Return label link

{elseif: `next steps`=="write me back with the following information:"; trim=right}
{formparagraph: name=information required; default=- what is the serial number (printed on the back of the device); cols=40; rows=7}

{endif: trim=right}

If you still like to get in touch with us, please respond to this email or click this link to schedule a callback.

John Smith | Customer Care

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