Copy of snippet "Reg 8"

Colorado's Regulation 8 (Asbestos)

Per state regulations, (Colorado Regulation 8) it is mandatory to perform asbestos testing on all structures where there is the potential presence of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM). These materials commonly include but are not limited to Drywall, Texture, Joint compound, Vinyl, Adhesive, Mastic, and so forth. In addition to State Regulations, ACM removal is also federally regulated by agencies such as OSHA. The following is a direct quote from the Colorado regulation:

III.A. Inspection

III.A.1. Prior to any renovation or demolition in an area of public access which may disturb
greater than the trigger levels of suspect asbestos-containing material (ACM), the facility
component(s) to be affected by the renovation or demolition must either be assumed to
be ACM or must be inspected to determine if abatement is required. Inspections
conducted prior to renovation may be focused on the suspect ACM to be affected by the
renovation. Inspections conducted prior to demolition must comprehensively identify all
ACM in and on the facility or on the component(s) affected by the demolition.

III.A.1.a. Individuals performing these inspections must be a Building Inspector
certified in accordance with this regulation.

III.A.1.b. The inspection, sampling and assessments of the suspect ACM must be
performed as required in Section III.A.3. and III.A.4. of this regulation.

III.A.1.c. The analysis of samples collected during these inspections must be
performed as required in Section III.A.4. of this regulation.

III.A.1.d. Buildings, or those portions thereof, that were constructed after October
12, 1988 will be exempt from this inspection requirement if, after due
diligence, the architect or project engineer responsible for the
construction of the building, or a Colorado certified Asbestos Building
Inspector, completes a form specified by the Division that no ACM was
used as a building material in the initial construction of the building or
subsequent renovations (if applicable). NOTE: The Division recommends
that all buildings be inspected prior to any renovation or demolition
activities, regardless of the date of construction.
III.A.1.e. To prevent any real or potential conflicts of interest, Building Inspectors
identifying ACM must be independent of the GAC that will subsequently
abate the ACM identified. Inspectors need not be independent of the
GAC if both the certified Inspector and the certified GAC are employees
of the building owner.