Copy of Snippet "Scheduled Demo"

Hi [DM Name],

Thank you so much for your time just now. We're really looking forward to learning more about your practice and showing you exactly how Vital Interaction helps to increase revenue, alleviate front-desk workload and improve patient care.

[Date @ Time], we will plan to call you at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.
At that time, we'll also have you join our Google Meeting Room, through the link provided.
(*Google Audio/ Video can remain "off" since we will be speaking over the phone!)

If you could, we'd love that you come prepared to speak to these points below. This will allow us to be much more tailored in our ROI projection for your practice:
-Average appointment no-show rate
-Average monthly appointment volume
-Average appointment value to the practice

Additionally, in regard to [PCS], it’d be helpful if you find out how much you’re currently paying, and - if you are in a contract, if you could bring the date in which that contract ends - because we have some really great buy-out options should we need to go that route!

If you have any questions before then or need to reschedule, please call (737) 377-1714.

Otherwise, we'll talk to you soon!

Chad Magerkurth
Account Executive, Vital Interaction
(737) 377-1714