Copy of Snippet "Welcome email"

Welcome for rolling enrollment

Hello and welcome to our class!

I am Mrs Terpstra, and I can’t wait to get to know you better! I am here to help with anything you may need for our class, {formtext: name=CLASS}

Getting Started
You should be done with your Orientation and already in touch with your Advisor. Your Advisor is amazing and can help if you are struggling with getting started.

Your tasks for my class, {formtext: name=CLASS}:

  • {formtoggle: name=Transfer Grade; default=no}Your grade from your previous school has been transferred into your gradebook and you are able to proceed with working on pace with the class. The weekly announcements at the top of our class will always have what lessons/assignments we are working on each week, as well as due dates in the gradebook.{endformtoggle}
  • {formtoggle: name=Excused; default=no}You have been excused from work that was assigned to your classmates through your first day. You will still see these lessons and units, however you can skip through them to the unit/lesson listed below!{endformtoggle}
  • You will be starting on Module {formtext: name=UNIT} , starting with the lesson named {formtext: name=LESSON}

Student Expectations
  • Each week I will be updating the announcements, it is an expectation that students are checking the announcements and they are responsible for reading all the information posted in the announcements.  PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK THESE EVERY MONDAY!
  • Students are expected to spend 45 minutes to an hour a day Monday-Friday on this course. 
  • It is my expectation that each assignment, quiz or test that is completed is done with integrity and is your own thoughts, ideas and work.
  • Students are expected to respond to e-mails, texts, or phone calls within 24 hours (M-F). Communication is key to your success!

What Students Can Expect From Me

  • Students can expect me to grade their assignments within 3 business days (M-F).
  • I will respond to emails, texts and voicemails within 1 business day (M-F). If you wish to receive a call back, please make sure to leave a voicemail. 
  • I will be hosting both 1-1 sessions with students as well as whole class instruction throughout the week. It is my goal to have at least one 1-1 session with each student by the end of the semester, they will be 15-20 minute sessions at minimum and may be longer depending on what is being worked on or discussed. We can tailor this to your needs! 
  • If you need extra help, contact me to schedule a time where we can meet virtually or over the phone and I can assist you that way as well. I am here to help you succeed!

REMEMBER!! I am here to support you and your learning! Please reach out with any questions you may have along the way.  Have an AMAZING day, and I will talk with you soon!

-Mrs. Terpstra