Disable screenshot in AI Blaze

I'm starting to play around with implementing AI blaze in my clinic. Wondering if there is a way to set to default that it does not include a screenshot of the current page in the prompt. Since I'm working out of my EMR the page usually includes patient information (name, ID, health card number) which I would prefer not to include in the prompt. Right now I can unselect it each time I use AI blaze but would be better if I can just set this as default.

Hi @Doc_Krieger

There are two ways to use AI Blaze:

  • Using from the text box in the sidebar to chat with AI: When you disable the "Page contents" option in the AI Blaze sidebar, and then trigger an AI chat, then it should remain disabled for future sessions. The option is shown on clicking the paperclip icon:

  • Using by triggering saved prompts: you can select this gear option in the bottom right of your saved prompt, to reveal this menu. Here, you can turn off the "Include page context" option.

Let me know if it works for you.

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Thanks! I'll give it a try