Drop-Down, Calendar issue

Hi Jake,

My understanding is you have something roughly equivalent to this (I'm using menus instead of calendar fields for simplicity):

{formmenu: yes; no; name=selection}

{if: selection}
Calendar 1: {formmenu: Yes; default=No; name=calendar1}
Calendar 2: {formmenu: Yes; default=No; name=calendar2}

{if: calendar1}Apples{endif}
{if: calendar2}Banana{endif}

I think you would like to change it to something like the following. By checking the main menu selection when also displaying the words, you can get what I think you are looking for:

{formmenu: yes; no; name=selection}

{if: selection}
Calendar 1: {formmenu: Yes; default=No; name=calendar1}
Calendar 2: {formmenu: Yes; default=No; name=calendar2}

{if: selection and calendar1}Apples{endif}
{if: (not selection) and calendar2}Banana{endif}

Does that help?