Extracting clipboard contents to create a custom snippet?

Hi! I was wondering if it's possible to use TextBlaze commands to paste a custom Markdown link, such as this:

[Habitica Wiki](https://habitica.fandom.com/wiki/Habitica_Wiki)

Basically what I would want to do is copy a URL (e.g. https://habitica.fandom.com/wiki/Habitica_Wiki) and then use a TextBlaze shortcut to paste the above Markdown in its entirety. I know there is a clipboard command, but is there a way to also extract the last part of the URL (e.g. "Habitica_Wiki"), remove the underscore, and put that in brackets before the URL?


You could do something like the following

If you have copied a valid URL to your Clipboard, this will work (you need to reload the page after making a copy for this demo to update):

[{=replace(extractregex({clipboard}, ".*/(.+?)$"), "_", " ")}]({clipboard})

If you didn't copy a valid url, here is an example of the above working with a dummy clipboard data:

[{=replace(extractregex(dummy_clipboard, ".*/(.+?)$"), "_", " ")}]({=dummy_clipboard})

The key item here is the formula command {=}. Text Blaze formulas let you do data manipulation like in Excel. You can learn more here:

The extractregex() function in a formula allows you to grab a specific part of what's in the clipboard. For example, the ".*/(.+?)$" regular expression here means: "get everything after the last '/' to the end of the clipboard". We then use the replace() function to replace all occurrences of underscores with spaces.

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Thank you so much! I didn't realize TextBlaze had that much power! Pretty amazing!

(P.S. I also really love how we get a live preview of our posts before we have to submit them!)

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Hmm, okay one further question. This probably just has to do with the regular expression itself, but I'm not so great at writing those!

Let's say I have a link like this:


So now the last part has a subsection, found after the "#" symbol. How can I extract just that part, without the "Backgrounds" part being included?


Something like this should work: ".*(?:/|#)(.+?)$". We changed the "/" to a "(?:/|#)". "(/|#)" means match a "/" or a "#". The "?:" in front of it means this isn't the group we want to extract from the function.

[{=replace(extractregex(dummy_clipboard, ".*(?:/|#)(.+?)$"), "_", " ")}]({=dummy_clipboard})

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Thank you so much! Sorry it took so long to reply. I never got a notice that you had responded, and I just thought to check tonight!

That was very helpful! Thank you again!