{formdate} question

I read the doc for {formdate} and am aware that I am unable to select something without the year. Is there any way to take that selection and format it though? I tried this but I received an error (see below). Thanks for the assistance!

Could not parse "{date1}" as a date or time with the pattern "ddd MM/DD/YY".

Formdate 1: {formdate: ddd MM/DD/YY; name=date1} Formatted: {test={time: ddd M/D; at={date1}; pattern=ddd MM/DD/YY}}

Hi @Justin_Guerra,

{date1} should be replaced with {=date1}
I've updated the snippet and displayed the result without creating test variable.

Formdate 1: {formdate: ddd MM/DD/YY; name=date1}
Formatted: {time: ddd M/D; at={=date1}; pattern=ddd MM/DD/YY}


Thank you so much!