How does one insert a past date that a incident happened

Hi @George_Marinos,

Here's a little snippet I cooked up just for you. It should serve your purposes perfectly. If you want it to spit out a different format, let me know and I can sort it out for you.

Day: {formtext: name=day; default={time: DD}}
Month: {formtext: name=month; default={time: MM}}
Year: {formtext: name=year; default={time: YYYY}}
{format="dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY"}{endnote}

{time: {=format}; shift=<Y<M<D-{={time: YYYY}}Y{=year if year <> "" else {time: YYYY}}Y{=month-1 if month <> "" else {time: MM; shift=-1M}}M{=day-1 if day <> "" else {time: DD; shift=-1D}}D}

Or if you wanna change the date formatting yourself, you can do so in the part where it says {format=etc}