I'm trying to do the folowing
If the TO emailadres is info@webshopYYY.com the text in the email should be '1111'
If the TO emailadres is info@webshopZZZ.com the text in the email should be '2222'
I do use gmail and have the gmail pack installed... but cant figure out if this is possible
edit: If this is not possible i can use a hidden select button at the start of the form
thanks but unfortunately that does not work yet.. I do see the confetti it works but the input stays empty. So it probably does not reconize it or something. Going to do some more testing with it .
Ah yes i understand now why it does not work... It should be the other way arround.. I thought of To of the receiving mail... But when replying its the otherway arround.
Unfortuantly its not possible to do it like this right:
{if: {gmail-myemail} = "info@websiteYYY.com"}
{if: {gmail-myemail} = "first@example.com"}
Hey, thank you for reaching out to our First team. We'll get back to you soon.
{elseif: {gmail-myemail} = "second@example.com"}
Hey, second team here. We're gonna have to dig a bit deeper into this ticket and get back to you.
here - Text Blaze | Gmail
Here gmail-myemail returns the senders email address while gmail-email returns the email used in To
Please have a look and let me if it helps