{import: child/OptionA}: how to import a specific form from imported snippet

Not sure how to do this:

I am importing a snippet with a dropdown menu into another "parent" snippet.
How do i call

child snippet:
{formmenu: default=b; a; name=optionA}{formmenu: Choice A; d; default=c; name=OptionB}

Parent snippet:
{import: child}
{note}import specific formmenu from child snippet?{endnote}
{import: child/OptionA}

how do i specifically import just {import: child/OptionA} on its own :thinking:

not sure what the syntax would be

Hi @raf_raf.studio

You can import the child snippet separately, and then use its optionA value directly, like so:

Parent snippet:
{import: child}
{note}Value from child snippet:{endnote} {=optionA}

Let me know if it works for you.

no your suggestion doesnt seem to be working

{=OptionA} does not do anything at all

had to reinstall Text Blaze. It was not updating

looks like it works with back ticks only
had to add to add the double quotes to show on here