Multiple Data entry

I want to make an system where. I have to add multiple data which are all different.

Eg :

on DATE amount AMOUNT

There may be multiple of this according to the scenario how do I add multiple of these inside editor so that final result gets pasted ?

Hi @Bhima_Charan_Tudu, welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

You can use the {formtoggle} command to create a toggle switch that can enable or disable a block of text, example:

{formtoggle: name=Date; default=yes}On date: {formtext: name=date_value}{endformtoggle}
{formtoggle: name=Amount; default=yes}Amount: {formtext: name=amount_value}{endformtoggle}

Please also check the {import} command once, this can be useful if the content of the toggle will be more complex and will be reused in other blocks as well in the same snippet of different ones.

Let me know if you need any more help.

Thanks for your response. @Abdalla_Mahmoud

I have to add multiple of these depending upon the scenario

So How to have a drop down of some sort so sometimes I might need 2 or more of these

@Bhima_Charan_Tudu You can use the {formmenu} command in combination with the {if} command as follows:

{note}{formmenu: default=Date; Amount; multiple=yes; name=blocks}{endnote}{if: includes(blocks, "Date"); trim=right}
On Date: {formtext: name=date_value}{endif}
{if: includes(blocks, "Amount"); trim=right}
Amount: {formtext: name=amount_value}
{endif: trim=left}

Thank you @Abdalla_Mahmoud

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