Post data to specific fields in Wordpress


  1. I create a post
  2. I copy the whole thing to the clipboard
  3. I use extractregex to pull specific strings of text from the clipboard and assign it to respective variables, e.g. headline, body text etc
  4. I want to put that information in the respective fields in the Wordpress post creating backend

I know how to do steps 1, 2 and 3, but I don't know how to do 4.



So a combination of {key: tab}'s to move between the fields in the backend may work for you. What does the backend look like?

It's a regular WordPress backend. The tabs option isn't very elegant though. It's a ton of repetitions. I was hoping on being able to get TB to place the cursor in the field I want it to fill.

Jumping to a specific field by some sort of identifier isn't possible currently unfortunately.

Well, short of making me coffee, TB has pretty much made my dreams come true, so I'll forgive this little shortcoming lol