Reuse Calculated field

I am using following snippet to extract information from a website.

{site: text; selector=#content > div > div > div > > ul > li:nth-child(1) > > div:nth-child(7) > div.fleft.lblrgt}

This is extracting some information from website. Similarly I will extract many such information from same website (alongwith those information for which you have helped).

I want to send all these information to google sheet using this snippet of Scott.

Like for any calculated fields, we can name it like

{total=2*2} {=total}

I can then use {=total} to anywhere in snippet to insert output. Can I add such name variable to value retrieved from site command. For Example,

I want to give name variable as "address" so that I can reuse it for another purpose. but I guess I am doing it wrong.

Is this possible?

I guess after exploring community, I could add name variable to it.

{address=({site: text; selector=#content > div > div > div > > ul > li:nth-child(1) > > div:nth-child(7) > div.fleft.lblrgt})}

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