Snippets are missing

My textblaze deleted all of my snippets and then it now wont let me create any new ones- it says i have a conflicting snippet and i dont have a single one on my dashboard. Can someone help me?

Hi Charlotte,

It looks like the folder containing most of your snippets was disabled.

You can find disabled folders in the "Disabled Folders" section at the bottom of the snippets list. You can re-enable a folder a couple different ways:

  • Right clicking on the folder and select "Enable folder"
  • Dragging and dropping it out of the disabled folders section
  • Selecting the folder and clicking the Enable button

now it is just saying that every single one of my snippets is conflicting with another snippet

If you hover your mouse over the orange "You have conflicting snippets" message at the lower left corner of the dashboard, Text Blaze will show you a tooltip with shortest conflicting shortcuts.

If it's not clear from that message what the issue, please post a screenshot of the tooltip here and we can help.