Temporary Snippet Contents Within Date Range

Hello! I have a snippet that will assign work to a specific user every time, using the Automation features. The opportunity I am faced with is, how to handle a temporary change to that user assignment when the user is out on vacation. Is there a way (and preferably with the "Basic" plan features), to do this?

Thank you!

Hi @Brad_Hedinger ,

I'm thinking you could use an {if} command to do that. Something like:

{note}Format DD/MM/YY
{startdate="01/03/21"}Start date: {=startdate}
{enddate="01/05/21"}End date: {=enddate}

{endnote: trim=right}
Today's date is {time: MMMM Do, YYYY}
{if: {time: X} >= {time: X; at={=startdate}; pattern=DD/MM/YY} AND {time: X} <= {time: X; at={=enddate}; pattern=DD/MM/YY}}Date is within range{else}Date is outside range{endif}

What do you think?