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Hello, I have been using Alfred on my Macbook for several years and have lots of snippets that I have created over time. Is there a way to export my Alfred snippets into Text Blaze?


I'm interested in an autotext tool and I really liked Text Blaze. I need it for a specific use and, with my knowledge, I haven't been able to configure it. Therefore, before deleting the app, I would like to make sure that there really isn't a way to configure it for my use.

Let me explain:

I work in a law firm and I have several standardized procedures ("step by step") divided into 4 categories. If I could give an example, they would be something like this:

    1. comercial (several procedures and snippers here)
    1. administrative (several procedures and snippers here)
    1. judicial (several procedures and snippers here)
    1. liquidation (several procedures and snippers here)

It turns out that in each category there are several procedures. Therefore, it is difficult to memorize each of the shortcuts.

For this reason, I would like to type a shortcut (for example: "/") and this would open something like a MENU where I could navigate, with the mouse, between the categories above and select the snippet I want.

Is there any way to do this? If there is, could you explain it to me so I can try?


Hi there

I'm using text blaze in google docs and noticed a couple of issues.

The 'place cursor' function doesn't seem to work and when inserting a snippet with a table the table formatting is changes when inserted. Is there any way to resolve these issues?

I was also wondering if is there a way of carrying over a defined form text field to subsequent snippets. Eg if I'm inserting multiple snippets throughout a document and I want all the 'name' fields to have the same value without having to type it each time.


How can I get Text Blase to work in open office documants? How can I get the program to stay on?

Hi @jimrwhitelaw! Welcome to the Forum :wave:.

If I am understanding you correctly, it sounds like you are using Office outside of your web-browser. Is that correct?

If so, we have both a Windows and Mac app that you can use to be able to insert snippets into any applications you are using. You can download those here. You can download the Mac app here.

Oliver, yes I use Apache OPen Office and your link made it possible for me to use Text Blase in it, Thank You

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