Add a freeform option to the end a numbered list

Is it possible to add a freetext option at the bottom of a numbered list (if required only) and to be included in the numbered list.
For example (using snippet below) - in the snippet below that describes and lists the most commonly encountered patterns of abdominal pain. Often the patient will chose more that one, such as Pain that occurs before meals AND occurs upon bending over or stooping AND is progressive without remission. However, some patients will also describe one or more unusual patterns or triggers to their pain that is not included in the snippet formmenu choice but nevertheless important and needs to be documented; eg Pain that occurs before meals AND occurs upon bending over or stooping AND is progressive without remission AND ALSO occurs when eating a particular bizarre food AND ALSO occurs when travelling on aeroplanes. The last 2 are not common enough to include in the formmenu list but important enough to be documented.

Is this possible?

George Marinos

You could try something like the following:

{note}Pattern of abdominal pain: {formmenu: name=patternap; multiple=yes; has no recognisable pattern; is post-prandial; occurs before meals; is nocturnal; occurs before defaecation; occurs after defaecation; occurs upon bending over or stooping; occurs on lifting or straining; is progressive without remission; is cyclical - usually at monthly intervals; Other...}
{if: len(patternap) > 0 and count(patternap) > 0; trim=yes}
The pattern of the abdominal pain: {repeat: for i in seq(1, count(patternap))}
{=i}. {if: patternap[i] == "Other..."}{formtext: name=Please specify...}{else}{=patternap[i]}{endif}{endrepeat}
{endif: trim=left}

That is exactly what I was hoping for. So Good.

Is there any chance of replacing the numbering by bullet points? (just wishing)

Thank you once again Scott
