Hi, I'm wondering if there's any kind of programmatic access I can use to access my org's set of snippets.
Hi @Luke_Rohde Welcome to the forum!
Can you please give more details about what is your intended usage of the API? And where you intend to use it?
For example: do you intend to get a list of snippet shortcuts using the API? Do you intend to use this API via a NodeJS environment?
If we have more details, we can present solutions more tailored to your use case.
Hi! Yeah, the intent is to build custom tooling/recommendations around our org's snippets. I saw that there's the ability to export a list of snippets, but that requires a user to go in and do this manually. I'd prefer to do this in code.
Yes, as it happens, we generally use NodeJS but are flexible.
Thanks for the clarification. Just so that I understand, you'd like an API endpoint to download the snippet export file (JSON) for a user given their account email (with relevant authorization headers/api tokens).
Is that right?
I was thinking more from the perspective of an organization, but if it's only possible to view it at a user level I guess that could work?
Okay, thanks for clarifying. Just so that I understand, you'd like an API endpoint to download the snippet folders (as a JSON file) that are shared as default folders via the org ('org default folders') or via any team ('team default folders').
Is that right?
Note that we do not have API endpoints like these as of now. So I am moving your topic to Feature Ideas category.