Assistance with new AI Blaze pop-up little window

Hello. Now I see a little pop-up window whenever I highlight a word (using AI Blaze) which I think is great and I love it. However, I would like to sort The prompts in a specific order. It gives me the option to do that in the AI blaze dashboard (see screenshot below), but it is not showing like that in the pop-up menu. Is there a way to do that?

Thank you in advance.

Hi @Jaime.

If you're using the Prioritized view, then you cannot change the order of the snippets in the popup menu explicitly. There's another option here if you want to organize your prompts it in the same order of the dashboard, by switching to the Folder view. To do so, open the AI Blaze sidebar, click the Settings icon on the top-right corner, then select the "Folder" view (see the screenshot below):

Please let me know if that helps you.

@Abdalla_Mahmoud Thanks a lot. It worked just perfectly. Great job.

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Hi every one. Unfortunely I have the same issue described previously. I cannot see the prompts in the desired order in the pop up window, and in addition, when I asked for the first time about this issue, I had the option to add up to 6 prompts, but now it is something random, I mean, sometimes it shows 3 prompts, sometimes it shows 2 and so on. I do have the prompts folder selected, not the prioritized. I really need some help with this.

Hi Jaime,

There are two places where your prompts are visible:

  1. In the AI Blaze Sidebar: here you can sort the prompts in the order you'd like, using the "List view" setting as shown in the screenshot:
  2. In the AI Blaze Tooltip: you have correctly observed the option "Reorder in the dashboard...". The prompts are shown in the order they appear in your AI Blaze Dashboard. To reoder them, click and hold down your mouse over an AI prompt, drag it to a new position in the list, and then release mouse.

Note the following:

  1. The tooltip can show maximum 6 quick prompts at a item.
  2. The tooltip shows different prompts based on whether you have selected text inside a textbox or whether you have selected text outside a textbox.

Let me know if it you have any questions.

Thank you very much for responding. I would like to emphasize in this case that I have it configured to show a maximum of six prompts; however, when I select a text to display those six prompts, not all six appear, fewer are shown. Additionally, the prompts that appear are not shown in the order that I placed them in the dashboard, and I want to emphasize that I have the folder view selected. I will now share screenshots of what I am describing. Here you can see It does not show the 6 prompts, only 3.

I have selected the FOLDER view

I am using Edge browser. I don´t know if that is relevant. Thanks.

Thanks for the screenshots. The tooltip shows different prompts based on whether you have selected text inside a textbox or whether you have selected text outside a textbox.

Specifically, prompts with POLISH action are only shown when you select text in a textbox. The other prompts are only shown when you select text outside a textbox.

You can see the action of your prompt in the bottom right of the prompt editor:

You can manually adjust the action of your prompts appropriately to make them appear/disappear from the tooltip. Please let me know if it works for you.

I will try that. Thanks.