Auto repeat a non-default dropdown selection

I've got a form that uses several repeated dropdowns, including {formmenu: default=her; his; name=her/his}. I find that I have to select "his" in each place ("her" being the default) the dropdown appears when I launch the snippet. Is there a way that my selection of "his" could automatically populate "his" in each place this dropdown appears (and do likewise for other repeated dropdowns)?I have a feeling that it used to work this way.

Hi, and welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Aren't the dropdown fields already linked for you?

E.g. in this demo, if I change one, they all change together. Are you seeing something different? If so, can you share your snippet?

{formmenu: default=her; his; name=her/his}

{formmenu: default=her; his; name=her/his}

{formmenu: default=her; his; name=her/his}

Hi Scott,

Thanks for responding.

It's my /Spring10 snippet, which starts as follows: {formtext: name=Name} is enjoying a strong semester in English 10. In a mid-year self-assessment and goal-setting exercise, {formtext: name=Name} noted {formmenu: default=her; his; name=her/his} satisfaction with the progress {formmenu: default=she; he} has made in {formmenu: default=her; his; name=her/his} writing.

In this case I copied and pasted the her/his dropdown field, which does not link. On the other hand, the name field is linked.

I'm wondering whether this is a Chrome thing. I find that I can't use Chrome for certain applications like Jitsi meet. Any suggestions?



hey @Jeremy_Metz --

when two fields have the same name, they should share the same value. You have 2 fields which have the name her/his which will share a value -- I copied exactly what you had written here to my Text Blaze and changing one of those fields changes the other:


Another way that you can approach this is only having 1 dropdown and then the other spots that need to mirror that dropdown's value are instead formula fields:

{formtext: name=Name} is enjoying a strong semester in English 10. In a mid-year self-assessment and goal-setting exercise, {formtext: name=Name} noted {formmenu: default=her; his; name=her/his} satisfaction with the progress {formmenu: default=she; he} has made in {=`her/his`} writing.

You can use that formula field as many times as you'd like throughout the snippet. Any field you've already created that has a name will appear here in the list of dynamic commands on the right side of the editor. Clicking on its name will add a formula field to your snippet:

Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 8.51.46 AM

Finally, if you wanted to get real fancy, you could have the she/he pronouns automatically determined by the her/his dropdown using an if statement:

{formtext: name=Name} is enjoying a strong semester in English 10. In a mid-year self-assessment and goal-setting exercise, {formtext: name=Name} noted {formmenu: default=her; his; name=her/his} satisfaction with the progress {if: `her/his`="her"}she{else}he{endif} has made in {=`her/his`} writing.