Just a quick question. I was wondering if it is possible to have a snippet move a selection field as soon as it is initiated.
For instance, the following is my snippet to select a complaint / diagnosis from my database. I would like it so that when I type the shortcut <\hx> that it immediately selects the db_select field so that I can just start typing right away without needing to click on it first:
{note: trim=yes}Complaint / diagnosis:{dbselect: SELECT dx / complaint
FROM history ORDER BY dx / complaint
ASC; space=57Y9Lcf1LFEnYOwzkFVofq; menu=yes; name=db_select}{button: hx_selected= db_lists["hx components"]
symptoms_selected = db_lists["symptoms default"]
; label=confirm}{endnote: trim=no}
{note: trim=yes; preview=no}
dx: {dx=db_select["dx / complaint"]}
pain: {pain=db_lists["pain location"][1]}
hx database: {dbselect: SELECT dx / complaint
AS dx, symptoms, red flags
, treatments tried
, other hx
, associated sx
, hx components
, symptoms default
, pain location
, aggravating, alleviating FROM history WHERE dx / complaint
= @dx; space=57Y9Lcf1LFEnYOwzkFVofq; menu=no; name=db_lists}
pain database: {dbselect: SELECT dx / complaint
, location, radiation, worse, better, character FROM pain WHERE dx / complaint
= @pain; space=57Y9Lcf1LFEnYOwzkFVofq; menu=no; name=db_pain}
{import: /template-hx; trim=no}
screenshot of snippet
Thanks again for your help