Hello again Blaze community!
We have been working on showcasing the stories of our users, and this one is about user @Evelyn_Duvivier1!
If you're interested in learning about how Text Blaze can be useful in the telehealth industry, Evelyn's case study is one you should check out.
Evelyn is an Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine board-certified physician who works both in an emergency room and for a chat-based virtual medicine company.
She uses Text Blaze to help her provide safe and effective medical care online.
Here's an example of a snippet she uses (click preview to see what it looks like in action):
{note}Prescribe Ciprofloxacin type:{formmenu: default=Pills; Eye drops; Cipro-only ear drops; Cipro-Steroid ear drops; name=condition}
{endnote: trim=right}
{if: condition=="Pills"; trim=yes}
Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) {formmenu: 250; default=500; multiple=no} mg has been electronically prescribed.
Take one tablet every 12 hours (twice daily) for {formmenu: default=3; 5; 7} days
{elseif: condition=="Eye drops"; trim=yes}
Ciprofloxacin 0.3% eye drops has been electronically prescribed for conjunctivitis (bacterial eye infection)
Place 1 to 2 drops into the eyes 4 times daily for 5 to 7 days
{elseif: condition=="Cipro-only ear drops"; trim=yes}
Ciprofloxcin ear drops have been electronically prescribed for otitis externa (ear canal infection)
Instill contents of 1 single-dose container into affected ear twice daily for 7 days
{elseif: condition=="Cipro-Steroid ear drops"; trim=yes}
Ciprodex (antibiotic + steroid) ear drops have been electronically prescribed for otitis externa (ear canal infection)
Instill 4 drops into affected ear(s) twice daily for 7 days{endif: trim=yes}
We appreciate you, Evelyn, for sharing this interesting use of Text Blaze!
Thank you again for being a part of this awesome community!
If you're interested in having your user story showcased, feel free to send me an email at dylan@blaze.today