Button Clicks on Webpage

I would like to click on Buttons :slight_smile:

This is possibly by {key:tab}'ing to the button, and then using {click}.

{key:tab} not working/not working well, see my other post

  • it is overwriting pre entered fields
  • Websites chage dynamically, it needs different amount of tab clicks
  • some type of "Hook a Button" or something like this

Hi @Dmitrij_Moreinis,

The autopilot feature is still highly experimental, and due to the fact that different websites might have different workflows, it's unlikely we'll ever be able to come up with a solution that works everywhere consistently.

My recommendation is to put a {wait: delay=2s} command that will pause the snippet insertion for two seconds to give you time to click the button manually.

Still, your suggestion is interesting. We can't commit to an ETA of course, but we'll keep it in mind for the future, in case we find the right workflow to implement it.

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