Can't paste image from clipboard after using snippet

Hi, I just run into this bug(? ) - I copied part of a screenshot to clipboard, went to Gmail and wanted to send it to someone. I used my simple text snippet at the start of the message, then pressed CTRL+V ... and it did nothing. No image is inserted to email body.

I tested it again, CTRL+V insterted image multiple times, then used snippet, and after it CTRL+V did nothing. It works correctly when copying raw text, however. But not with image data.

Hi @Marek_Klusak Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

If you have images in your clipboard, they are lost after you run a Text Blaze snippet. The behavior should be the same on all websites (including Gmail.)

Currently, we only persist the clipboard contents if they are text (plain text and styled text both). I have noted your request to persist non-text data as well. If we have any news, I'll keep this thread updated.