Changing snippet contents based on what site you are on

I wanna create a snippet like This:

Hello John, Good morning, How are you?

I already know how to fill good morning, afternoon, evening, according to the time of the day.

My current problem is with the name.

I work with customer care services in different platforms, and I need to autofill the customer's firts name in at least two different platforms with the same snippet.

This is already working for me in one of those platforms:

{=split({site: text;[_ngcontent-c12='']}, " ")[1]}

How can I make an if/else or something different, to identify the website, and auto change the code of the snippet?

The last thing is: how can I fill just "Hello, Good morning, how r u?" if I use the snippet in a some different place, not just in these platforms?

Platform 1:

Hello {=split({site: text;[_ngcontent-c12='']}, " ")[1]}, {if: {time: H} < 12}Good morning{elseif: {time: H} < 18}Good afternoon{else}Good evening{endif}, how are you?

Platform 2:

Hello {=split({site: text;}, " ")[1]}, {if: {time: H} < 12}Good morning{elseif: {time: H} < 18}Good afternoon{else}Good evening{endif}, How are you?

Another Places

Hello, {if: {time: H} < 12}Good morning{elseif: {time: H} < 18}Good afternoon{else}Good evening{endif}, How are you?

You can change the snippet's contents based on the domain you are. Something like this should work:

{if: {site: domain} == ""; trim=yes}
You are on the Text Blaze community.
{elseif: {site: domain} == ""; trim=yes}
You are on the Text Blaze dashboard.
{else: trim=yes}
Doesn't look like you are on a Text Blaze site.
{endif: trim=yes}