Clipboard function automatically adding line breaks

Hi Community, when adding the clipboard in between > < , it suddenly adds a line break before and after the copied word. The trim function doesn't work either. I only copy words, not including spaces beside it either. Below is what it looks like.


Hi @Kelly1 - welcome to the forum.

I tried to replicate the issue but it worked fine for me.

Could you kindly try the following please?

Just click on the "Copy to Text Blaze" button at the top right of the interactive snippet window.

Also, could you please try it first by copying a couple of words from inside a sentence (not from a separate line).

Please let me know the results. If need be, I'm happy to jump on a quick troubleshooting call.

Hi Cedric,

When I tried the trim last time it didn't work. Now, it did.


Hi @Kelly1 - glad you managed to resolve it :slight_smile:

The trim setting can be a bit tricky to wrap your head around at first. Remember, the trim only applies to the command, not to the whole command block.

Here are some examples to clarify:

Note with no trims

Text before the note
Text inside the note
Text after the note

Note with trims on the {note} command

Text before the note
{note: trim=yes}
Text inside the note
Text after the note

Note with trims on the {endnote} command

Text before the note
Text inside the note
{endnote: trim=yes}
Text after the note

I'm only using trim=yes in this case, but remember that you can also set trim=left or trim=right too :slight_smile: