Ready for THE meme contest? Winner gets bragging rights and the winning meme will be featured on our social media!
Got memes on your mind when it comes to Text Blaze? Post them all! Have a GIF you think is perfect to explain why your colleagues need us? Now is your chance. Don’t hold back: get weird, get imaginative—use any, and all, of your unique skills to create as many as you’d like!
You may not have much of a history of making memes. That is totally fine! This is the perfect opportunity to give it a try (and to potentially win your bragging rights) .When your meme is ready, share it with the community by posting on this thread.
PRO tip: Here's a website that you can use to create memes for free: Meme Generator - Imgflip
Voting: Users will be able to vote for your and other memes by Thursday, September 29 by midnight ET. The meme with the maximum number of likes is THE winner
Prize: Bragging rights, winner get crowned Text Blaze's undisputed meme king or queen. It is a simple contest, but it will boost your imagination and will keep your brain in good shape
Here are some of our favorite meme's that we've posted on Twitter in the past
We look forward to seeing what you’ve got!