Copy of Snippet "AI Log VSA"

AI Learning Intervention:  
Spoke to {formtext: name=student name} and {formmenu: mom; dad; parent; guardian}. Discussed AI match for assignment {formtext: name=lesson}  
Reminded {formtext: name=student name} not to use outside resources and to use course resources or me for help.   
Discussed how everything needs to be in {formmenu: his; her; their} own words.    
Directed {formtext: name=student name} to AI module.    
Let them know I would call back with resolution from AI. No questions at this time.    

Artificial Intelligence Call:
Spoke to {formtext: name=student name} and {formmenu: mom; dad; parent; guardian}. Discussed AI match for assignment {formtext: name=lesson}  
{formtext: name=student name} was able to show mastery of the lesson so no AI ticket is required.
{formtext: name=student name} was not able to show mastery of the lesson. I will submit the AI ticket and let the family know I will reach back out with the resolution. No questions at this time.

AI Resolution:  
Spoke to {formtext: name=student name} and {formmenu: mom; dad; parent; guardian}. Discussed AI resolution for {formtext: name=lesson}
{formtext: name=student name} can resubmit for {formmenu: 100; 75; 50; 0}% credit.   
No questions at this time.  

*Unverified IEP/504 - reminded parent to send in IEP/504 plan  

(paste email resolution from AI)  
{import: /time}