Allows you to get more than one record from the same table in an Airtable base
The snippet finds two records in the same table given their record IDs, using a single urlload command.
It is recommended to look at the original snippet for better understanding of how this system works.
{note}{formtext: name=apikey} {formtext: name=base}{endnote}
{if: apikey <> "" and base <> ""}
{urlload:{=base}/VWB?filterByFormula=OR(%7BRecord ID%7D%3D'{=recid1}'%2C%7BRecord ID%7D%3D'{=recid2}'); method=GET; done=(res) -> ["url_response"=catch(fromJSON(res), "???")]; headers=Authorization=Bearer {=apikey}}
Data received
{records=catch(url_response.records, [])}
Count of records received: {=count(records)} Should be 2
{if: 1 == 2}
Enter apikey and base to proceed
To get the apikey, generate it on your Airtable account page (keep it a secret)
If you have the record URL as:, then base=appW0...Qc06, and recordid=rec...VtB.
For an interactive demo of Airtable's API, visit their API page and choose your base. On the left you should choose "VWB Table" and then "Fields", "List records" or "Retrieve a record". On the right you will see various outputs relevant to your base.