Copy of Snippet "Aorta"

A focused ultrasound exam of the aorta was performed to evaluate for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in the patient.

The ultrasound was performed with the following indications, as noted in the H&P:
{formtoggle: name=Abdominal pain; default=no}Abdominal pain {endformtoggle}
{formtoggle: name=Hypotension; default=no}Hypotension{endformtoggle}
{formtoggle: name=Syncope; default=no}Syncope{endformtoggle}
{formtoggle: name=Chest pain; default=no}Chest pain{endformtoggle}
{formtoggle: name=Pulsatile abdominal mass; default=no}Pulsatile abdominal mass{endformtoggle}
{formtoggle: name=Other risk factors for AAA as noted in the H&P; default=no}Other risk factors for AAA as noted in the H&P{endformtoggle}

Identified structures:
The abdominal aorta was examined in both transverse and longitudinal, from the diaphragmatic hiatus to the aortic bifurcation. 

Exam of the above structures revealed the following findings:

Proximal Aorta, maximum diameter (outside to outside wall, in centimeters){formtext: name=} CM
Distal Aorta, maximum diameter (outside to outside wall, in centimeters):{formtext: name=} CM
Aorta, tapering:{formmenu: name=; default=Normal; Abnormal}
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: {formmenu: name=; default=Absent; Present} If present: {formmenu: default=N/A; Infrarenal\ ; Suprarenal; \ Both}