Hi, {formtext: name=Name}!
Nice work getting your essay submitted on time!
- I liked the evidence you used from the podcast!
- I liked the reasons you mentioned, please work on adding evidence from the podcast to help you.
How you scored on our rubric:
Criteria & total points possible | Your score & Feedback |
Purpose & Organization: 4 pts |
*claim is introduced, clearly communicated & the focus is strongly maintained.
*consistent use of transitions
*effective introduction & conclusion
*opposing argument(s) are clearly addressed; default=3 points~ Nice work, Still areas to grow! Structure of the response needs a little improvement.
*claim is clear & focus is mostly maintained
*adequate use of transitions
*adequate introduction & conclusion
*opposing argument(s) are adequately addressed; 2 points- This area needs some work. The response has an inconsistent organizational structure and flaws are evident.
*claim & focus may be somewhat unclear
*inconsistent use of transitions
*introduction or conclusion, if present, may be weak
*opposing argument(s) may be confusing or not acknowledged\ ; 1 point- Much revision is needed for this criteria:
The response has little or no organizational structure or focus.
*claim may be confusing\; response may be too brief or the focus may drift from purpose.
*few or no transitions
*introduction and/or conclusion may be missing
*opposing argument(s) may not be acknowledged\ ; Your score is 0 because there either isn't enough in your essay to grade in this criteria or you didn't meet any of these requirements.\ ; name=Purpose & Organization} |
Evidence & Elaboration: 4 pts |
*evidence from the podcast (required) is relevant & included in each body and personal evidence (optional) was relevant.
*effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques (to explain)
*vocabulary clear & appropriate
*Effective & appropriate argumentative writing style is used; default=3 Points~ Nice work with room to grow! The response and claim provide adequate support/evidence/sources for the argument.
*evidence from the required podcast and (optional) personal experiences are adequate
*Adequate use of some elaborate techniques
*vocabulary is generally appropriate
*generally appropriate argumentative style is evident; 2 points~ Please work on revising. The response and claim use uneven support/evidence/sources for the argument and/or simplistic language.
*evidence from the podcast is not evident, imprecise, or repetitive
*references may be vague weak or uneven use of elaborative techniques\; *development may consist primarily of source summary or may rely on emotional appeal
*vocabulary is ineffective
*inconsistent or weak attempt to create argumentative style; 1 Point- Much work is needed- Please revise. The response and claim have minimal or no support/ evidence/ sources for the argument and/or ideas are vague, lack clarity, or are confusing.
*evidence from the podcast are minimal, absent, or incorrectly used. Optional personal experiences may be irrelevant if included\;
*minimal, if any, use of elaborative techniques\; emotional appeal may dominate
*vocabulary is limited or ineffective
*little or no evidence of argumentative style; Score 0- You either didn't include enough in your essay to assess this criteria or you didn't meet any of the criteria.\ ; name=Evidence & Elaboration} | |
Conventions: 2 points | {formmenu: 2 points~ Nice work! The response demonstrates adequate use of correct sentence formation, punctuation, capitalization, grammar usage, and spelling.\n; default=1 point- Area to Grow & Revise: The response demonstrates limited use of correct sentence formation, punctuation, capitalization, grammar usage, and spelling.; Score 0~ Much Revision Needed: You either don't have enough to grade this criteria and/or you have many errors that make your paper difficult to read & understand.} |
To update your score, please make your revisions & submit to the form linked below. (If Links aren't opening here, they are also linked on my LA8 Recordings & Links Message Board.)
- Here is the link to the Argumentative Essay Rubric: http://tinyurl.com/ArgEssayRubric
- Use the Unit 2 Writing Resources to help you make revisions as well: http://tinyurl.com/U2WritingResources
If you would like help...
- come to a study hall or a small group session.
- Make an appointment to work with Mrs. Pietz https://lpietz.youcanbook.me/
- Ask at the end of LA class
- If applicable, meet with your Team Cake teacher.