Copy of snippet "Argumentative Essay Rubric"

Hi, {formtext: name=Name}!
Nice work getting your essay submitted on time! 

  • I liked the evidence you used from the podcast! 
  • I liked the reasons you mentioned, please work on adding evidence from the podcast to help you.
The feedback below is to help you improve your writing. Revise and submit by the deadline to enhance your skills, grade, and future I-Learn and argument writing!

How you scored on our rubric:

Criteria & total points possibleYour score & Feedback
Purpose & Organization: 4 pts
{formmenu: 4 points! The response has a clear, consistent, focused structure. 
*claim is introduced, clearly communicated & the focus is strongly maintained. 
*consistent use of transitions
*effective introduction & conclusion  
*opposing argument(s) are clearly addressed; default=3 points~ Nice work, Still areas to grow! Structure of the response needs a little improvement.
*claim is clear & focus is mostly maintained  
*adequate use of transitions  
*adequate introduction & conclusion   
*opposing argument(s) are adequately addressed; 2 points- This area needs some work. The response has an inconsistent organizational structure and flaws are evident. 
*claim & focus may be somewhat unclear
*inconsistent use of transitions
*introduction or conclusion, if present, may be weak  
*opposing argument(s) may be confusing or not acknowledged\ ; 1 point- Much revision is needed for this criteria:
The response has little or no organizational structure or focus. 
*claim may be confusing\; response may be too brief or the focus may drift from purpose.
*few or no transitions
*introduction and/or conclusion may be missing  

*opposing argument(s) may not be acknowledged\ ; Your score is 0 because there either isn't enough in your essay to grade in this criteria or you didn't meet any of these requirements.\ ; name=Purpose & Organization}
Evidence & Elaboration: 4 pts
{formmenu: 4 Points: Great work! The response and claim provide convincing support/evidence/sources for the argument. 
*evidence from the podcast (required) is relevant & included in each body and personal evidence (optional) was relevant.
*effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques (to explain)
*vocabulary clear & appropriate
*Effective & appropriate argumentative writing style is used; default=3 Points~ Nice work with room to grow! The response and claim provide adequate support/evidence/sources for the argument. 
*evidence from the required podcast and (optional) personal experiences are adequate
*Adequate use of some elaborate techniques
*vocabulary is generally appropriate 
*generally appropriate argumentative style is evident; 2 points~ Please work on revising. The response and claim use uneven support/evidence/sources for the argument and/or simplistic language.
*evidence from the podcast is not evident, imprecise, or repetitive
*references may be vague weak or uneven use of elaborative techniques\; *development may consist primarily of source summary or may rely on emotional appeal 
*vocabulary is ineffective 
*inconsistent or weak attempt to create argumentative style; 1 Point- Much work is needed- Please revise. The response and claim have minimal or no support/ evidence/ sources for the argument and/or ideas are vague, lack clarity, or are confusing.
*evidence from the podcast are minimal, absent, or incorrectly used. Optional personal experiences may be irrelevant if included\; 
*minimal, if any, use of elaborative techniques\; emotional appeal may dominate
*vocabulary is limited or ineffective 

*little or no evidence of argumentative style; Score 0- You either didn't include enough in your essay to assess this criteria or you didn't meet any of the criteria.\ ; name=Evidence & Elaboration}
Conventions: 2 points{formmenu: 2 points~ Nice work! The response demonstrates adequate use of correct sentence formation, punctuation, capitalization, grammar usage, and spelling.\n; default=1 point- Area to Grow & Revise: The response demonstrates limited use of correct sentence formation, punctuation, capitalization, grammar usage, and spelling.; Score 0~ Much Revision Needed: You either don't have enough to grade this criteria and/or you have many errors that make your paper difficult to read & understand.}

To update your score, please make your revisions & submit to the form linked below. (If Links aren't opening here, they are also linked on my LA8 Recordings & Links Message Board.)
You'll submit your revised essay after we meet to this form no later than {time: MMM. Do; shift=+2W} to increase your grade: If you need an extension, please reach out via webmail.

If you would like help...
  • come to a study hall or a small group session.  
  • Make an appointment to work with Mrs. Pietz 
  • Ask at the end of LA class
  • If applicable, meet with your Team Cake teacher.
Mrs. Pietz is out of the office Jan. 29-Feb. 3 and will return answer any questions you have on Feb. 4 during LiveLesson. (Another teacher will hold LA sessions while I'm gone.)