Copy of Snippet "Claims - SCLAIM";;


Hi, Script Claim,

Good day! I hope this email finds you well.

Our financial analysts reached out to your hotline these previous weeks and your representatives referred us to these email addresses: /

We have identified several outstanding claims that require your immediate attention:

Action Needed: Send Payment
Pharmacy NCPDP: Multiple
Pharmacy Name: Amazon Pharmacy / PillPack Pharmacy
Total Claims Affected:
Dollar Value: 

The attached file is password-protected, and you will receive the password via email. Please review the claims, prioritize them based on aging status, and initiate the necessary steps for resolution.

If these claims were rejected, we'll appreciate it if you can provide the reason(s) for the denial so we can review and reprocess the claims.
If these claims were already paid, kindly provide all the pertinent details about the check or EFT transaction (i.e., date sent, total amount, account, or address used) so we can monitor the cash.

We also have some claims for your recoupment; these are for reversed transactions. Please recoup your money as soon as possible.

Action Needed: Recoup Money (Reversed Claims)
Claims Age:
Pharmacy NCPDP: Multiple
Pharmacy Name: Amazon Pharmacy / PillPack Pharmacy
Total Claims Affected:
Dollar Value: 

If you require any additional information or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to my email or our team -

We will greatly appreciate your prompt attention to these inquiries. Your cooperation is vital to maintaining the integrity of our operations. Thank you in advance for your flexibility and swift action.


Hi, Script Claim,

Here is the password to access the spreadsheet sent in the previous email:

Password: Pharmacy123

Please advise if you encounter any difficulties.