Copy of Snippet "Copy of No Work 7+ days- EMAIL"

E Science3 work reminder 

{time: MM/DD/YYYY}

Good morning Super Scientist & Family! 

You are receiving this email because there has been no completed course work submitted in 7 [or more] days for your Science3 class. Remember weekly work is required to remain active

Many things in life cause a delay in work and this is just a friendly reminder to check your Science3 course to see what can be done to get back on track.
Please remember I am always here to help you. Here are some helpful reminders as well.

Tips to help get back on track in M/J Science3:
1. Please look at your gradebook to see if maybe there is something that you forgot to submit.
2. Remember, please work in order and do not skip assignments.
3.*Check the live class/tutoring schedule & plan to join for best success. 
4. Did you recently complete a DBA? Make sure it was submitted correctly.
5. Do you need a DBA? Go ahead & schedule it:
6. Need a password? Check your most recent DBA feedback. It is provided there when you complete the dba. 

AND...please reach out if you need anything or have questions.

Alicia Thomas 
Instructor, M/J Comprehensive Science 3 
(407) 906-7669 

Florida Virtual School 
(407) 513-3587 

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