Thank you for submitting your assignment. You can read my feedback below:
{formtoggle: name=Clearly defined; default=yes}Purpose is clearly defined; includes many details that connect talking points and develop the assignment; may include minor irrelevant information. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=good, not well supported; default=no}Purpose is comprehensible and defined; includes some details, although not all points are adequately supported; some irrelevant information. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=not comprehensible, loose connections; default=no}Purpose is defined, but may not be comprehensible for readers who don’t know the writer; few details included; loose connections; a lot of irrelevant information. {endformtoggle: trim=yes} {formtoggle: name=no supporting details; default=no}Attempts to define the purpose; few to no supporting details. {endformtoggle}
{formtoggle: name=coherent and logical; default=yes}Coherent and logical throughout the assignment; clear beginning, middle and end; smooth transitions used to connect ideas. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=follows a logical sequence; default=no}Assignment follows a logical sequence; contains a beginning, middle and end. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=beginning or end is unclear; default=no}Attempts to follow a logical sequence; beginning or ending is unclear or ends abruptly. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=incoherent, disconnected ideas; default=no}No coherent order; written with sentence fragments or disconnected ideas. {endformtoggle}
{formtoggle: name=wide vocab; default=yes}Wide variety of vocabulary used; words help expand the topic; minor inaccuracies that do not affect the reader's ability to comprehend the assignment. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=good vocab, few errors; default=no}Variety of words related to the topic; few errors. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=basic vocab, unrelated words; default=no}Uses basic vocabulary; some words are not related to the topic. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=limited vocab, very inaccurate; default=no}Uses a limited vocabulary that is below the expected level; vocabulary is largely inaccurate. {endformtoggle}
{formtoggle: name=excellent; default=yes}The writer demonstrates an excellent understanding of English conventions; limited errors that do not affect the reader’s ability to comprehend the assignment. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=average; default=no}Demonstrates an average understanding of English conventions; errors are unlikely to affect reader comprehension; low amount of errors. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=frequent errors; default=no}Shows some understanding of English conventions; frequent errors; errors hinder reader’s ability to comprehend the assignment. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=incomprehensible; default=no}Demonstrates lower than expected knowledge of English conventions; the piece is nearly incomprehensible. {endformtoggle}
{formtoggle: name=noticeable effort to write; default=yes}The writer does not use translation; puts noticeable effort to write like a native speaker. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=very few errors; default=no}Very little translation is used in the assignment; effort to write like a native speaker; errors are few. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=hard to understand; default=no}Heavy translation throughout the document; writing is hard to understand. {endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{formtoggle: name=incomprehensible; default=no}Writing is incomprehensible. {endformtoggle}