Copy of Snippet "Labor day and testing"

{cursor}, 3 day weekend ahead. There is no school on Monday. {formmenu: default=Please use this time to catch up on your work.; You have a few assignments left. Get them done today so you can enjoy your days off.; Thank you for working so hard this week to get all of your work submitted. This makes my homeroom heart so happy. :heart_eyes:; multiple=yes} Please focus on {formmenu: Algebra; default=History; Science; Lang Arts\ ; Spanish; DIT; HOPE; multiple=yes} today.

:point_right:Action Item. Progress Monitoring Testing is Tuesday morning at 9.

  1. Did you read the testing email I sent Monday?
  2. Parent did you sign the consent forms in parent portal?
  3. Is the secure testing browser downloaded to your computer?
  4. Do you have your testing username and password?
If you did all four action items please respond with a :+1:. If not scramble to do so then reply with :+1:. If you need help please ask! 
Have a great weekend!- Mrs. Connolly