Copy of Snippet "[Math report card] - problem-solving abilities"

Math report card, problem solving skills

[snippet name="[Math report card] - problem-solving abilities" shortcut="/probsolv" quickentry=no]

  1. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} is gradually improving their {formtext: name=insert math skill; cols=13}, but progress is slow due to {formtext: name=insert problem;cols=12}.
  2. When solving complex math word problems, {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} sometimes becomes overwhelmed with the information, especially for longer math word problems.
  3. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} has a great vocabulary that helps {formmenu: name=gender; him; default=her} solve math word problems.
  4. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} has a limited vocabulary that prevents {formmenu: name=gender; him; default=her} from understanding math word problems.
  5. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} solves word problems accurately when {formmenu: name=gender; he; default=she} receives assistance from the teacher.
  6. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} has difficulty with {formtext: name=insert math skill; cols=13}, even when provided with accommodations.
  7. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} doesn’t always justify answers to math problems with evidence.
  8. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} communicates and consistently explains {formmenu: name=gender; him; default=her} thinking processes with words, numbers, and pictures.
  9. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} does not usually ask for help when struggling with a math problem.
  10. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} consistently applies sound problem-solving strategies when working on word problems.
  11. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} has difficulty following instructions to solve thinking word problems.
  12. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} consistently follows instructions to solve thinking word problems.
  13. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} has an outstanding math foundation.
  14. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} is performing below average grade level in {formtext: name=insert math skill; cols=13}.
  15. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} consistently produces excellent work when solving word problems.
  16. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} has excellent communication skills and always justifies answers to word problems with clear evidence.
  17. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} accurately solves word problems with sound strategic thinking, and requires little to no assistance from the teacher.
  18. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} can understand word problem concepts but often rushes through {formmenu: name=gender; him; default=her} work, which causes mistakes.
  19. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} understands but sometimes ignores relevant information in word problems.
  20. {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} can always digest information in a word problem and express it and communicate it succinctly to peers.