Copy of Snippet "Multiplication Nation Webmail -UN and PW "

Dear Learning Coach and {formtext: name=Student Name},
I am excited to announce we are using a new program that will help{=`student name`} learn {formmenu: his; default=her; name=pronoun} multiplication tables in a fun and exciting way! 

Multiplication Nation is an interactive and engaging online. That will help {=`student name`} master {=pronoun} times tables. Knowing the times tables is one of the most important skills for success in math (and life).

{=`student name`} can use the program from any computer, laptop, i-pad, chromebook, smart phone, or wherever the internet is available. 

All {=`student name`} needs to do is: 

  1. Go to www.Multiplication, click SIGN IN. 
Username: FCA{formtext: name=number}                                                                                              
Password: FCA{formtext: name=different number}
**Please note: both username and password are case sensitive

The program will keep track of all of the work {=`student name`} does, and will pick up where they left off the next time they sign in. There are really cool videos, songs, quizzes, and lots of fun characters like: The Rappin' Mathematician, Ms. Alex, and The Skip Count.