Base Line Requirements
Essay is published in MLA format? Yes No
Works Cited page in MLA format? Yes No
In-text citations for each piece of evidence? Yes No
Grading Rubric
/2 Structure and Research: Appropriate and relevant print and digital sources were used to research the topic or issue. Organization of text is appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience.
/2 Introduction: Introduction clearly states the main claim. Techniques are used to engage the reader.
/3 Body: Claims and counterclaims are developed fairly and supported by evidence. Relationships among claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence are clearly established. Claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence are logically sequenced
/1 Conclusion: Conclusion follows from and supports the argument presented in the text.
/3 Language and Style: Various types of phrases and clauses convey meaning and add variety and interest. Transitions link the major sections of the text and create cohesion. An appropriate and consistent style and tone is maintained throughout the text.
/2 Revising: Words, phrases, and clauses clarify relationships between claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. Word choice and sentence structure make the writing coherent and engaging.
/4 Editing: Writing is grammatically correct. Writing is punctuated correctly. Correct spelling is used. Sources are cited correctly.
/1 Publishing: Used appropriate technology to publish a final error free copy.