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  • {formtoggle: name=HAP; default=yes}HAP- Housing Assistance Payment; the amount of rent paid by the housing authority. Generally, about 70% of the total rent, dependent on calculations based on the resident’s income by the Housing Authority and the voucher size/amount of subsidy they are eligible for.. Noted in PMP as the “Base Rent (HAP Portion)” when a charge and “Public Assistance Payment” when a debit on the ledger.{endformtoggle}
  • {formtoggle: name=Resident Rent; default=yes}Resident Rent / Resident Portion (RRP) - The amount of rent paid by the resident. Generally, about 30% of the total rent, again, dependent on calculations based on the resident’s income by the Housing Authority and the voucher size/amount of subsidy they are eligible for.{endformtoggle}
  • {formtoggle: name=Contract Rent; default=yes}Contract Rent- The total amount of rent charged, inclusive of the HAP and resident portion.{endformtoggle}
  • {formtoggle: name=Utility Allowance; default=no}Utility Allowance- An approximation of the amount which the resident can expect to pay based on the utilities that they are responsible for that the Housing Authority uses to determine the affordability of the unit based on their income.{endformtoggle}
  • {formtoggle: name=URP; default=no}Utility Reimbursement (URP)- If the Housing Authority determines that the total tenant payment, that is the calculated utility allowance (for tenant-paid utilities) plus the resident’s portion of the rent, is more than the resident can afford, they may issue a utility reimbursement which is meant to reimburse the tenant for some of the costs incurred for the utilities which they are responsible for. It is paid directly to the tenant.{endformtoggle}
  • {formtoggle: name=Rent Increase Form; default=no}Rent Increase Form - (terms may vary by Housing Authority) Form utilized by owner to request a rent increase from the Housing Authority. Must be completed in a minimum of 60 days before annual recertification date or lease renewal.{endformtoggle}
  • {formtoggle: name=ReExam; default=no}ReExam (ReExamination) - The term utilized by a Housing Authority for the annual date at which the resident's eligibility in the Housing Choice Voucher program is redetermined. This involves a thorough examination of the resident's family structure, household income and any eligible expense deductions. {endformtoggle}
  • {formtoggle: name=Interim; default=no}Interim (Interim ReExamination) - The term utilized for an examination of the resident’s family structure, household income or any other applicable changes which occurs in between the family’s reexamination period. These are usually initiated by the resident and could result in an increase, decrease or no change in the resident’s portion.{endformtoggle}