Hey Text Blaze Community
Using Text Blaze, you can perform calculations directly within your snippets to save time and reduce errors.
One cool example is using Text Blaze to create a creatinine clearance (CrCl) calculator, which helps you quickly perform calculations so that you can spend less time charting and more time with patients
Also, it integrates in any EMR (even if you switch EMRs). Give it a try and let us know what you think!
Learn more here.
Check out the calculator below:
Serum Creatinine (mg/dL): {formtext: name=scr} {note}Norm: 0.7 - 1.3{endnote}
Age (years): {formtext: name=age}
{if: `weight units`="kgs"}Weight{note} (kg){endnote}: {formtext: name=weight}{formmenu: default=lbs; kgs; name=weight units}{note} Norm: 1 - 150 kgs{endnote}{endif}{if: `weight units`="lbs"}Weight{note} (lbs){endnote}: {formtext: name=weight}{formmenu: lbs; default=kgs; name=weight units}{note} Norm: 2 - 300 lbs{endnote}{endif}
{if: `height units`="cm"}Height{note} (cm){endnote}: {formtext: name=height}{formmenu: default=inches; cm; name=height units}{note} Norm: 152 - 213 cm{endnote}{endif}{if: `height units`="inches"}Height{note} (inches){endnote}: {formtext: name=height}{formmenu: default=inches; cm; name=height units}{note} Norm: 60 - 84 inches{endnote}{endif}
Sex: {formmenu: Male; Female; name=sex}
Original Cockcroft and Gault formula result: {=round(originalresult)} mL/min
Crockcroft and Gault formula using Ideal Body Weight: {=round(ibwresult)} mL/min
{if: bmi<18.5}Because BMI is under 18.5, it is recommended to use the unadjusted result.{elseif: bmi<25}Because BMI is between 18.5 and 25, it is recommended to use the Ideal Body Weight result.{elseif: BMI>25}Crockcroft and Gault formula using Adjusted Body Weight: {=round(adjustedresult)} mL/min
Because BMI >25, it is recommended to use the Adjusted Body Weight result.{endif}
{formtoggle: name=Show evidence and formulas}
Cockcroft-Gault formula for mL/min = (140 – age) × (weight in kg) × (0.85 if female) / (72 × SCR in mg/dL)
For Ideal Body Weight calculations, the following formula is used:
Males: 50+(2.3*(height in inches-60))
Females: 45.5+(2.3*(height in inches-60))
Adjusted bodyweight is calculated as Ideal Body Weight + 0.4 * (actual weight - ideal body weight)
BMI is calculated using 703*(weight in pounds/(height in inches^2)) for imperial measurements, and weight in kg/(height in meters^2) for metric.{endformtoggle}{note: preview=no}
Original research: Prediction of creatinine clearance from serum creatinine - PubMed, Impact of various body weights and serum creatinine concentrations on the bias and accuracy of the Cockcroft-Gault equation - PubMed
Transforming units:
{kg=weight/2.2046 if `weight units`="lbs" else weight}
{inches=height if `height units`="inches" else height/2.54}
{meters=height*0.0254 if `height units`="inches" else height*0.01}
Ideal body weight
Adjusted body weight
{if: sex="Male"}