Custom GPTs for AI Blaze

AI Blaze has already been super helpful to me.
As cool as Claude is, I have also built a couple of custom GPTs.
It would be absolutely awesome, if I could plug them in there!
Would be instant pain relief for me :smiley:
Is that something that may be on the horizon sometime?

Hi @h.lynn Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Thanks for your feedback :slightly_smiling_face: When you say Custom GPTs, are you referring to this?

Since you have built these GPTs on your own, is it possible for you to transfer their knowledge (prompt instructions) into the AI Blaze prompts itself?

Note: we support GPT-4o and GPT-4o-mini in addition to Claude. You can switch between them using the model switcher.


I like a lot ai blaze. Great features !
But sometimes, I think it should be intersting to specialized our ai assistant with documents or vectorstore.
Could we just integrated with AI assistant like with openai platform ?

Hi @L_D Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Knowledge augmentation using external data sources is on the roadmap for AI Blaze :slightly_smiling_face: We do not have a planned release date for it yet. When there are any updates, we'll post on the forum.
