Data blaze multiple_select

Just had a few questions about data blaze

  • is it possible to copy the options between two multiple select columns?
  • is it possible to select more than one option at a time in the multiple select cells? (currently the window closes each time you select one)
  • is there any way to reorganize selected items in the multiple select cells once the items are selected?


Hi @Doc_Krieger.

Answering your questions:

is it possible to copy the options between two multiple select columns?

Yes, but only for the same options included in the other field. Say you have field A with options 1, 2, and 3, and a field B with options 3, 4, and 5. Then copying/pasting values from A to B will include only option 3, and other options will be discarded if they're included in your copy.

is it possible to select more than one option at a time in the multiple select cells? (currently the window closes each time you select one)

Currently no, you may select only one option at a time.

is there any way to reorganize selected items in the multiple select cells once the items are selected?

No, multiple select values follow the insertion order of its options.

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