Datablaze - converting different currencies into one

Hello Everyone,
I hope you'll be able to help me as always :slight_smile:
I'm preparing some data where I include information for different kind of services, including the total cost of the service and the price paid by the Client.

I would now want to calculate the profit for each of the services, however we use 3 different currencies for our Clients so I'm not sure how to insert the data in Datablaze to make the formula work.

Would it be better to convert everything into base currency first and then follow up with the formula (total paid by client - total cost = profit)? If so, any advice on how to do it in bulk for 3000 rows? :slight_smile:
Or can I somehow change the type of data I have in the table to easily use the formula without getting an error as a result? I know that error is caused by the currencies.

Here's part of my table :slight_smile:


Best regards,


Something like this might work if you wanted to put everything in the same currency (Euros in this case). It applies a 0.23 multiplier when going from PLN to EUR.

Note that this would be much easier to work with if you used number fields for the Cost and Revenue and then had a separate Currency field (maybe a select field).

Thanks, Scott! :slight_smile:
I think it probably would be easier with a separate Currency field. I was wondering, considering the amount of data I've already inserted, is there an easy way to get rid of the currencies I fed into this sheet in the revenue and cost columns? Outside Datablaze, I would probably use find and replace tool and here I'm a little bit lost - I can filter out all the segments according to the currency and then... copy-pasting them outside, removing the currency and copy-pasting them back seems a bit tedious with 4000 records :smiley:
I could also export the whole CSV file, update the data in Excel and import it back but here I would have another problem - I'd have to remove the existing 4000 rows and then import the updated file. Is there any overwrite mode on importing CSV files? That would be nice! Or... is there a way to bulk delete all records in the existing datablaze sheet before importing the updated data?

Unfortunately we don't have a find/replace feature at the moment but it's something we definitely want to add.

You could do the export/import you suggest. If you do that, it would be best to create a new table and then delete the original table.

As an alternative, you could create formula fields to get the value from the revenue/cost fields. Once you have done that, you could convert those formula fields to text or number fields. You could then delete the original fields.