I'm in the process of making a large database of presenting symptoms along with corresponding components for my history, physical exam, and plan sections of my notes (see below).
Currently I'm using the following snippet to search my database and populate my snippets:
{note: trim=yes}Complaint / diagnosis:{dbselect: SELECT dx / complaint
FROM history ORDER BY dx / complaint
ASC; space=57Y9Lcf1LFEnYOwzkFVofq; menu=yes; name=db_select}{button: hx_selected= db_lists["hx components"]
symptoms_selected = db_lists["symptoms default"]
; label=confirm}{endnote: trim=no}
{note: trim=yes; preview=no}
database: {dbselect: SELECT dx / complaint
, symptoms, red flags
, treatments tried
, other hx
, associated sx
, hx components
, symptoms default
, pain location
FROM history WHERE dx / complaint
= @dx; space=57Y9Lcf1LFEnYOwzkFVofq; menu=no; name=db_lists}
dx: {dx=db_select["dx / complaint"]}
pain: {pain=db_lists["pain location"][1]}
{import: /template-hx; trim=no}
It's working well but I was wondering if there is a way to add a column to the table to add keywords to search by instead. For example if I want the sore throat row to be selected I would like to have it so that I can search for "sore throat", "strep throat", "hoarseness", etc.
Wondering who I would go about this (would a multiple select field work?)