Deleted snipits

All of my snipits have been deleted out of no where. Has this ever happened before and what can I do to get them back????

Hi @kenny_petrosky, welcome to the forum.

Please try logging out of Text Blaze and logging back in.

I have logged out and back in several times. Everything is gone out of no where. I was using it this morning

Hi @kenny_petrosky,

I apologize if this sounds like an obvious question, but is it possible that you're logging into Text Blaze with a different email account? It's a very common mistake that has happened to me personally many times.

Usually this happens when your Text Blaze account is tied to a non-gmail account, and then as an oversight you might log in with a gmail account, which is a totally different account (with none of your other snippets).

Please confirm and get back to me, and we'll continue troubleshooting from there.

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I can vouch for @Cedric_Debono_Blaze's suggestion. Has happened to me a few times. There was an isolated instance when I simply had to "clear data" from my browser then restart it. Paste the following into your Chrome address bar. Make sure to select the "Advanced" tab.


In fact, I now perform the clear data process at the end of every work day since I accumulate a tremendous amount of browser data in my workflows. Thankfully, no usernames, passwords or site preferences are deleted. Just the junk behind the scenes.

Hi @kenny_petrosky - any updates on this? Has the issue been solved?