Dropdown menu field - break line not work

Hello Team,
I have a problem with a formmenu / dropdown menu field with multiple choices.

When several choices are made, breaks lines doesn't work. I have been looking for hours ...

Thank you for your help.

{formmenu: default=Choice A\n; Choice B\n; Choice C\n; multiple=yes}

The result is

But this is what I would like :

Thank you for your help.

Hi, and welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

You want to use the formatter setting of the {formmenu} command. You can learn more here:

For example:

{formmenu: Choice A; Choice B; Choice C; multiple=yes; formatter=items -> join(items, "\n\n")}

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Hi Scott,

Thank you so much, it work perfectly !!! :grinning: