EDD from Gestational Age

US date: {formdate: YYYY-MMM-DD; name=us_date}
GA per US: {formtext: name=weeks}w {formtext: name=days}d
{TOTAL_DAYS=(weeks * 7) + days}{LMP=({time: YYYY-MMM-DD; at={=us_date}; shift=-{=TOTAL_DAYS}D; pattern=YYYY-MMM-DD})}EDD: {=({time: YYYY-MMM-DD; at={=LMP}; shift=+280D; pattern=YYYY-MMM-DD})}


Hey @Doc_Krieger,
This is great. Do you mind if we include this in our gallery? We'll give you credit :slight_smile:

Sure thing!

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hi pal
are you able to do a calculator in which we input the EDD (Estimated Date of Delivery) and it then shows the current gestational age based on a particular date

is the formula able to refresh by itself such that the current gestational age changes everyday?

Actually already made a snippet for this:

Thank you sir